ABSA knows that studying plays a significant role in any individual’s path of success. That’s why we have continued to tailor our products to suit the needs of our future graduates. Whether your need tuition fees and or study materials like books and stationery you have come to the right place, whether the loan is for yourself or for others we can give you the pass that you need to a brighter future, which means that just about anyone can realize their dreams with ABSA’s study loans.
What’s in store for you?
You may enroll in a SETA or SAQA program with duration of not less than a minimum of 3 months of study time.
What happens after I complete my studies but can’t yet afford to repay the study loan? At Absa, we understand that it takes a bit of time to get the job you so much desire, that’s why we have planned for the worst by affording our clients an opportunity to apply for a window period before they can begin to start repayments of their loans.
Where can I apply for a study loan?
There are 9 dedicated facilities located at some of SA’s top tertiary level institutions or by contacting our telesales call centre with another option of visiting any of our 100 branches located countrywide. Timely customer awareness programs take place yearly to popularize the great opportunities of our study loans and one lucky applicant can drive away in a car up for grabs.
How to qualify?
An assessment of the applicant’s ability to pay and risk analysis is carried out.
The applicants should render proof of the ability to pay back the loan. This is normally done by the applicants’ provision in History in finances normally via Bank Statements.
Only interest of the loan shall be payable during the students period of study, there after the initial loan shall be payable over the duration equal to the period of study after completion of the course.
Other Perks
A prime interest fee is payable on the loan provided.
Students are hampered with the study loan, student credit card and Cheque account.