Getting a loan can seem tricky and exhausting, especially when your need is of an immediate nature. So look no further because at Qwiek loans, we guarantee up to R150 000 in personal loans and Home loans of up to R500 000. Over the last 25 years we have gathered a timeless experience to meet your needs 100%.
We take care of the lending process all for all our applicants and all our lenders are governed by NCR.
Benefits for Members
Become a member for as little as R99.00 pm
A personal Loan to capped at R 150 000.
Stand a chance to win up to R5000.00 in cash prizes in our monthly draw. All you have to do is be a member for more than two months to qualify.
Our online attorneys are ready to assist you with any legal queries and every member is assigned their own online personal attorney and a choice of telephonic or online collaboration.
All our qualified and professional attorney intermediaries are fully independent and will help you with any legal query during consultation including some of the below mention common queries.
- Clearance of criminal records
- Maintenance issues
- Bail applications
- Other criminal offenses
- Preparation of a will
- Civil claims
- Labour related matters
Guidelines for accessing your quick and easy loan:
Annual percentage Rates: ( unsecured credit transactions)Initial fees: Each application agreement requires R150 in addition to a 10% of the borrowed amount over R1000 figure but limited to less than R1000 in interest rates. RR x 2.2 + 20% per annum.
Mortgage Agreements Initial fees: Each application agreement requires a R1000 per credit agreement In addition to a 10% of the borrowed amount over R10 000 but limited to R5000.00. Interest rates RR x 2.2 +5% per year. Each Lender has a different policy, thus this is a sample guideline.
Cell: 072 401 6960
Tel: 086 114 3143
Fax: 086 532 3910